Saturday, August 2, 2008


Tonight it consists of blogging, going on myspace, eating other people's food, playing Wii guitar hero, playing Wii Play, and trying not to fall asleep till my cousins get home. I need to talk to them about when I'm leaving tomorrow, and then I'm going to bed. [In a bedroom with a TV and I can listen to my iPod]. I'll probably call Cody too. I'll wake up in the morning, drive home, and try to hurry for my dad to pick me up for church. It's a hard life. Lol biggest challenge is staying awake till one. I'm about ready to pass out haha.


Six days til my birthday and it's kind of depressing. I'm not gonna be here. I'm at journalism camp, all by myself, with no one I know, with an unknown roomate, in a unairconditioned dorm. I've been unhappy and bitchy lately, and taking it out on a certain someone. But that certain someone has been pretty harsh back. It's just a cycle (like the little green recycling icon). We'll be okay. I love that person too much to ever let them go. I'm done being a bitch anyway.