Sometimes you say things. And they just shouldn't be said. And honestly I don't think you should be thinking them. You say I move a little fast between boyfriends. Okay, yes. I'm sorry I don't sit and mourn the loss of a guy I really liked for months. Every breakup minus the retarded one we know of I have felt heartbroken over. I have struggled standing up again. I have cried my eyes out. I have gone into some of the deepest depression of my life. But after a week or two I feel like I need to move on. And I get over them, and then a month or so later I like someone else, and luckily in my case, they have liked me back. All I was talking to you about was a girl who broke up with a guy, and FOUR days later got together with another one. THAT'S SO RETARDED. Only once in my opinion (people do have opposing opinions I understand) have a moved fast. Two weeks in between guys. Yes, we've been over this multiple times in my life. Agreed. Jessica, who has traded boyfriends the quickest out of all of us, and she was sitting right next to us, was not brought up, and doesn't need to be. But we know she could have been the center of attention for that conversation. But me? Why? Shelly just got out of a year relationship, and under a month got together with another boy. And that's okay to me. It's something she needed. She likes him, so she should be with him. One main reason why I tried not to date Jared for a while was for you. Because I wanted to show my loyalty to you as a friend, because of how harshly you had judged me when I had dated Ryan and gone so quickly to Ben right after. I feel like it's a competition between you and me sometimes. I don't know if you feel I date so many guys because you haven't dated as many, or maybe when you break up with someone you have such high standards that the guy you like is someone you will never talk to or is out of your league. I say congrats to you for talking to Jordan, but do you really believe that you would ever date him? I'm sorry I fall for my guy friends. It's just something I do. We have different tastes in guys but I don't have low standards and date whoever I can. I try to be single and have liked it. I just seems like everytime I want to be single I fall for a guy. I try not to. Really. I have legitimate reasons for dating each guys I have in my high school years. And I have learned great lessons from each of them.
I feel like sometimes you bring out traits you don't like in me. We're best friends. I never tell you the things I don't like or don't understand about you. Everyone is different. And we have trouble embracing that in each other, and we get so judgemental. And it needs to stop. I don't like hearing my best friend telling me things that hurts my feelings. It isn't necessary. I love you so much, and we have so much fun together. Let's not ruin it by dwelling on stupid things that don't need to be talked about. It seems like I made a big deal out of one small thing you said, but I get little punches from you every once in a while and they end up bruising me bad. I remember every judgemental thing you say about me. If you have something that is bothering you about me, you can tell it to me, and only me. We can talk! That's what we do, alot.