Here's a youtube video vlogbrothers quote:
How do I get nerd girls to like me?
Idk, thats not really my area of expertise, hold on, lemme go and get Willy (brings in dog).Girls love you Willy, how do you do it? Kisses? You lick their ears? I don't think that's it.. atleast not at first.
Why do girls like you? Is it because you pee alot or you bark in the house? Or because you make alot of weird noises? Wait is it because you're the silent, shy, aloof type? The silent, shy, aloof type doesn't lick me on the mouth when I'm video blogging.
So I can tell you pretty distinctly why girls like Willy. Because he's a puppy. My first piece of advice for getting girls to like you is become a puppy. A kitten would also be acceptable or possibly a sneezy panda bear.
I've been dumped by a lot of girls. And in the process of acquiring those broken hearts I learned one important lesson: Girls don't like it when you get all creepy stalker-y on them.
See the problem with guys is we're needy but we're told that we're not allowed to be needy, so when we get in a situation when we're allowed to be vulnerable we sorta like rip it open and let it flow out and its kinda disgusting.
I have this theory with girls, atleast girls not named Bella, they have this warning system inside their heads and whenever we get too obsessed with them and focused on them it's like BEEP BEEP BEEP Back Away which btw is a totally helpful warning system because no girl- or any other person for that matter- will ever fill up the holes inside of you.
It's like chinese finger cuffs. Do you remember cfc? The way to get cfc off of your fingers is instead of being panicked and overeager, just relax.
Oh and one other thing guys, it would be really helpful if you can see girls as like people instead of pathways to kissing and/or salvation.
One thing I've noticed over the years is if you treat girls like people, although admittadely people who like fart jokes somewhat less than the rest of your friends, they're much more likely to like you.