I am going to study abroad in college. It's going to happen.
Sadly, the falls only offers Spain, Britain, Japan, and Australia. But that is according to the faulty, horribly made website.
At Central they have tons and tons of different programs, but none are quarter long (only semester or year) except for the faculty lead ones. Ecck.
But there is a faculty lead trip to Spain for fifteen days for specifically communication/journalist majors, which would be perfect.
But most of all I want to go to France. I just have to go. Italy too, but I feel like thats for my mom and I. I just have to go to France. With three years of it under my belt and possibly another year in college, it'd be way easier for me to pick up than any other language. Plus, its my dream to go there. To go to Nice and Paris would make my life.
That's one thing I'm looking forward to when school starts... being able to talk to my counselors about studying abroad, because all the offices are closed in the summer. It's such an exciting thought to be out on my own with no one I know in one of the most beautiful countries on earth. Uggh I'm just drooling thinking about it.